
All submissions to American Periodicals should by typed, double-spaced (including quotations and notes), and should conform to the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Regular essay submissions should be limited to 7500 words, inclusive of notes. Images should be uploaded individually, in TIFF, JPG, or PNG format, at least 1800 x 2700 pixels (for a full-page image). All image captions should appear as in a separate file along with alt-text description. If submitting a special feature, please indicate as such in the title of the manuscript.

For information on the journal’s house style, please see the American Periodicals Style Sheet. (See also the Council of Editors of Learned Journals guidelines for authors.)

Submissions are evaluated using an anonymized peer review process. Every effort will be made to ensure that reviewers represent expertise from relevant subfields that significantly inform the submission.

Submit essays in Microsoft Word format using the link below. All essay manuscripts should be anonymized for review. In addition to a manuscript without personal identifying information, all authors should submit, as a separate document, a brief biographical statement specifying academic affiliation and scholarly activities in the field of periodical studies. Upon uploading the submission, authors will also be prompted to include 1) an abstract of 150-200 words; and 2) up to six keywords to be used for indexing purposes.

All editorial correspondence is handled electronically. Correspondence should be addressed to Editors at
