Tables of Contents

Tables of Contents of past issues

Volume 28, Number 1, 2018 Expand | Collapse

The Seriality Dividend of American Magazines, by Graham Thompson

The Dial and the Untimely ‘Spirit of the Time,’ by Thomas Constantinesco

The Long Arm of the Phoenix in Nineteenth-Century Political Reprinting, by Megan Vallowe

In the Archive

Archival History and Forms of Surprise: Unraveling Italian American Newspaper Advertisements, by Sarah Salter


A Roundtable of Reviews of Blake: A Corrected Edition: Eric Gardner, Katy L. Chiles, Benjamin Fagan, Sharada Balachandran Orihuela, Marlene L. Daut, and John Ernest, with a response from Jerome McGann

Volume 27, Number 2, 2017 Expand | Collapse

Minding the Gaps in Serial Diary Fiction: The Case of ‘Susy L’s Diary,’ by Desirée Henderson

‘We Can Not Publish What We Can Not Procure’: Women Readers as Content Providers in Keramic Studio (1899–1924), by Catherine W. Zipf

The Journey from ‘Just Us’ to Some ‘Justice’: Ideology and Advocacy, the New York Amsterdam News, and the Central Park Jogger Story, by Kathryn Beardsley and Carrie Teresa

Bay Area Dadazines and Punk Zines in 1970s San Francisco: Interactive, Ephemeral, Live, by Emily Hage

Review Essay

Visions of the Future in Nineteenth-Century Black Periodicals, by Andreá N. Williams

Volume 27, Number 1, 2017 Expand | Collapse

Forum: Recovering Women’s Writing through the Periodical Archive

Recovery and Modern Periodical Studies, by Desirée Henderson

Edith Eaton’s Expanding Oeuvre, by Mary Chapman

Mining Boarding School Newspapers for Native American Women Editors and Writers, by Jacqueline Emery

Feminist Collaboration in an Era of Academic Instability, by Lori Harrison-Kahan and Karen E. H. Skinazi

Recovering Kate Chopin’s ‘Her First Party’: Media, Mediation, Message, by Bonnie James Shaker, Angela Gianoglio Pettit, and Lae’l Hughes-Watkins

Recovering Black Women Writers in Periodical Archives, by Andreá N. Williams


‘Fugitive Verses’: The Circulation of Poems in Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers, by Ryan Cordell and Abby Mullen

John Taylor of Caroline: Pamphlets and the Press in the 1790s, by John Scherr

A Primer for Using Historical Images in Research, by Bonnie M. Miller

In the Archive

‘Sue’ and ‘A Southern Silhouette’: Two Published but Uncollected Short Stories by Paul Laurence Dunbar, by Thomas Morgan


The American Revolution and the Press: The Promise of Independence, by Carol Sue Humphrey, reviewed by Carl Robert Keyes 

Work Sights: The Visual Culture of Industry in Nineteenth-Century America, by Vanessa Meikle Schulman, reviewed by Cynthia Patterson

The Newspaper Warrior: Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins’s Campaign for American Indian Rights, 1864-1891, edited by Cari M. Carpenter and Carolyn Sorisio, reviewed by Nicole Tonkovich

Power to the People: The Graphic Design of the Radical Press and the Rise of the Counter-Culture, 1964-1974, edited by Geoff Kaplan, reviewed by Kinohi Nishikawa

Volume 26, Number 2, 2016: War and Periodicals Expand | Collapse

Introduction: War and Periodicals, by James Berkey and Mark Noonan

Breaking the News: Telegraphy and Yellow Journalism in the Spanish-American War, by Craig Carey

Public Reading and the Civil War Draft Lottery, by Colleen Glenney Boggs

“We Return Fighting”: Black Doughboys and the Battle of Representation, by Adam McKible

Radical Portrayals: Dickey Chappelle on the Front Lines, by Sheila Webb

In the Archive

“Scrappy and Unselective”: Rising Wartime Paper Costs and the Little Review, by Christopher J. La Casse


Commercializing Childhood: Children’s Magazines, Urban Gentility, and the Ideal of the Child Consumer in the United States, 1823-1918 by Paul B. Ringel, reviewed by Anna Mae Duane

Black Print Unbound: The Christian Recorder, African American Literature, and Periodical Culture by Eric Gardner, reviewed by Brian Sweeney

Covering History: A Narrative History of the Nation’s Journalism by Christopher B. Daly, reviewed by Karen Roggenkamp

Volume 26, Number 1, 2016 Expand | Collapse

Counterpoint and Counternarrative: Baseball, DeLillo’s “Pafko and the Wall,” and Harper’s Folio, by Andrew Connolly

The Humming Bird; or Herald of Taste (1798): Periodical Culture and Female Editorship in the Early American Republic, by Jillmarie Murphy

Whigs and Democrats, the Past and the Future: The Political Emerson and Whitman’s 1855 Preface, by Robert J. Scholnick

Two Magazines and the Fight to Save Mount Vernon, 1855–1860, by Erika J. Pribanic-Smith

Forum: Digital Approaches to Periodical Studies

What Has the Digital Meant to American Periodicals Scholarship?, by Ryan Cordell

Discoverability and the Problems of Access: Thoughts on Responsive Digital-Research Interfacing, by Elizabeth Hopwood

Chronicling White America, by Benjamin Fagan

Mining Images of Race and Gender in Twentieth-Century Black Popular Periodicals, by Kim Gallon

Modernist Journals Project: From Garage to Data-Potage, by Jeffrey Drouin

Some Big Problems with Big Data, by Amanda Gailey


Making Noise, Making News: Suffrage Print Culture and U.S. Modernism by Mary Chapman, reviewed by Jane Carr

Between the Novel and the News: The Emergence of American Women’s Writing by Sari Edelstein, reviewed by Jean Lee Cole

Transatlantic Avant-Gardes: Little Magazines and Localist Modernism by Eric B. White, reviewed by Melissa Girard

Deadly Censorship: Murder, Honor, and Freedom of the Press by James Lowell, reviewed by Elliot King

Volume 25, Number 2, 2015 Expand | Collapse

Introduction: Black Periodical Studies, by Eric Gardner and Joycelyn Moody

“A Traitor to His Brethren”?: John Brown Russwurm and the Liberia Herald, by Adam Lewis

Cultivating Black Visuality: The Controversy over Cartoons in the Indianapolis Freeman, by Andreá N. Williams

Memory, Illustration, and Black Periodicals: Recasting the Disappearing Act of the Fugitive Slave in the “New Negro” Woman, by Teresa Zackodnik

“Fighting to create and maintain our own Black women’s culture”: Conditions Magazine, 1977–1990, by Julie R. Enszer

In the Archive
George Boyer Vashon’s “In the Cars”: A Poem and Four Responses: Eric Gardner, Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Keith D. Leonard, Evie Shockley, and Tara Bynum

Book Reviews

Popular Media and the American Revolution: Shaping Collective Memory by Janice Hume, reviewed by Anne Roth-Reinhardt

Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885–1917 by Gretchen Soderlund, reviewed by Andie Tucher

Volume 25, Number 1, 2015 Expand | Collapse

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: A Scholarly Leave-Taking, by Craig Monk, Cynthia Lee Patterson, and Karen Roggenkamp

American Periodicals: The Early Days, by James T. F. Tanner

Reflections from the Beginning, by Kim Martin Long 
From the Editors’ Chairs, by Susan Williams, Steven Fink, and Jared Gardner

“I Haven’t Any Right to Criticize”: Editing Book Reviews for American Periodicals, by Craig Monk

RSAP, AP, and Me: Some Reflections on Forty Years of Periodicals Research, by Robert J. Scholnick

Revisiting the Field: American Periodicals and American Periodicals Research, by Judith Yaross Lee

The Aura of the Periodical in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, by Janice Simon

Retrospect and Prospect: Walt Whitman and the Study of Periodicals, by Kenneth M. Price

The Future of Periodical Research—and Periodicals Themselves—is Promising, by Patricia Marks

Looking Backwards . . . and Forward!, by Charles Johanningsmeier

Women’s Magazines: An Interdisciplinary Lens, by Mary Ellen Zuckerman

Serendipitous Juxtapositions, by Susanna Ashton

Entering the Dark Side, by Karen Roggenkamp

Early American Periodicals: Looking Back—and Forward, by Mark L. Kamrath

The Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press and the Emergence of Transatlantic Studies, by Jennifer Phegley

American Periodicals Gave Us Hope at a Moment When All Seemed to be Lost,” by Adam McKible

“Working Out of What Kind of Scholar I Hoped To Be,” by Alison Piepmeier

Staking a Claim; Launching a New Career, by Cynthia Patterson

“A Key Role in Helping to Develop My Professional Identity,” by Timothy Helwig

From the Periodical Archives 

The Weight of Forty-Four Pounds: Commercial Publishing Houses and transition Magazine in the 1930s, by Craig Monk

Book Reviews

The First Great Awakening in Colonial American Newspapers, by Lisa Smith. Reviewed by Edward M. Griffin.

Rhetorics of Literacy: The Cultivation of American Dialect Poetry, by Nadia Nurhussein. Reviewed by April C. Logan.

Out on Assignment: Newspaper Women and the Making of Modern Public Space, by Alice Fahs. Reviewed by Jean Marie Lutes

Volume 24, Number 2, 2014 Expand | Collapse

Introduction: Advertising in American Periodicals before Madison Avenue, Carl Robert Keyes

A British Atlantic World of Advertising?: Colonial American “For Sale” Notices in Comparative Context, Emma Hart

“What the Public Expect”: Consumer Authority and the Marketing of Bibles, 1770–1850, Seth Perry

History Prints, Newspaper Advertisements, and Cultivating Citizen Consumers: Patriotism and Partisanship in Marketing Campaigns in the Era of the Revolution, Carl Robert Keyes

“Good Bad Stuff”: Editing, Advertising, and the Transformation of Genteel Literary Production in the 1890s, Michael Epp

Book Reviews

Literature and Journalism: Inspirations, Intersections, and Inventions from Ben Franklin to Stephen Colbert, ed. by Mark Canada, reviewed by Nancy L. Roberts

Freedom’s Witness: The Civil War Correspondence of Henry McNeal Turner, ed. by Jean Lee Cole, reviewed by Cynthia L. Patterson

Sensationalism: Murder, Mayhem, Mudslinging, Scandals, and Disasters in 19th-Century Reporting, ed. by David W. Bulla and David B. Sachsman, reviewed by Andrea M. Holliger

Volume 24, Number 1, 2014 Expand | Collapse

Melville’s Liminal Bachelor and the Making of Middle-Class Manhood in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Timothy Helwig

Illustrating The Moonstone in America: Harper’s Weekly and Transatlantic Introspection, Molly Knox Leverenz

Writing “En Masse”: Louisa May Alcott’s Civil War Experience and the Commonwealth, Rebecca Entel

A Picture of Piety: The Remaking of Mary Dyer as a True Woman in Arthur’s Home Magazine, Stella Setka

From the Periodical Archives

Selections from the Akron Offering: A Ladies’ Literary Magazine, Jon Miller

Book Reviews

The Camera and the Press: American Visual and Print Culture in the Age of the Daguerreotype by Marcy Dinius, reviewed by Sigrid Anderson Cordell

The Rise and Fall of Early American Magazine Culture by Jared Gardner, reviewed by Edward Cahill

Reading for Liberalism: The Overland Monthly and the Writing of the Modern American West by Stephen J. Mexal, reviewed by Tara Penry

Upon Provincialism: Southern Literature and National Periodical Culture, 1870–1900 by Bill Hardwig, reviewed by Mark Noonan

Volume 23, Number 2, 2013 Expand | Collapse

Special Issue: Networks and the Nineteenth-Century Periodical


Introduction: Networks and the Nineteenth-Century Periodical, John Fagg, Matthew Pethers, Robin Vandome

“Coloured Citizens of the World”: The Networks of Empire Loyalism in Emancipation-Era Jamaica and the Rise of the Transnational Black Press, Alpen Razi

“The Soft Answer”: The National Era‘s Network of Understanding, Jarad Krywicki

“Kéramos” in Harper’s: The Contexts of Global Collection, Christa Holm Vogelius

Preserving Sentiments: American Women’s Magazines of the 1830s and the Networks of Antebellum Print Culture, Anna Luker Gilding

The Advancement of Science: James McKeen Cattell and the Networks of Prestige and Authority, 1894-1915, Robin Vandome

Book Reviews

The History of Popular Print Culture, Volume Six: U.S. Popular Print Culture, 1860-1920 ed. by Christine Bold, reviewed by Georgia Clarkson Smith

Literate Zeal: Gender and the Making of a New Yorker Ethos by Janet Carey Eldred, reviewed by Michael Epp

Transnationalism and American Serial Fiction ed. by Patricia Okker, reviewed by Cynthia L. Patterson

Beyond the Pulpit: Women’s Rhetorical Roles in the Antebellum Religious Press by Lisa J. Shaver, reviewed by Carol Holly

Volume 23, Number 1, 2013 Expand | Collapse


Writing a “Wonderland” of Science: Child-Authored Periodicals at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, 1936-1946, Rebecca Onion

“Universal Human Rights”: The New Rhetoric of the Woman’s Rights Movement Conceptualized Within the Una (1853-1855), Terri A. Amlong

Lionel Trilling and the Periodical Imagination, Paul Woolridge

To Give the Gift of Freedom: Gift Books and the War on Slavery, Meaghan M. Fritz, Frank E. Fee Jr.

Book Reviews

The Anthropology of News and Journalism: Global Perspectives ed. by S. Elizabeth Bird, reviewed by Sigrid Anderson Cordell

Reading the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine: American Literature and Culture, 1870-1893 by Mark J. Noonan, reviewed by Anelise H. Shrout

Gender and Activism in a Little Magazine: The Modern Figures of the Masses by Rachel Schreiber, reviewed by Craig Monk

Reading Up: Middle-Class Readers and the Culture of Success in the Early Twentieth-Century United States by Amy L. Blair, reviewed by Martin Green

Volume 22, Number 2, 2012 Expand | Collapse

Introduction: Children’s Periodicals, Courtney Weikle-Mills

Feeling Animal: Pet-Making and Mastery in the Slave’s Friend, Spencer D. C. Keralis

The White Child’s Burden: Managing the Self and Money in Nineteenth-Century Children’s Missionary Periodicals, Karen Li Miller

Youthful Enterprises: Amateur Newspapers and the Pre-History of Adolescence, 1867–1883, Jessica Isaac

Writing against Erasure: Native American Students at Hampton Institute and the Periodical Press, Jacqueline Emery

Transforming Student Periodicals into Persuasive Podiums: African American Girls at Lincoln High School, 1915–1930, Henrietta Rix Wood

Book Reviews

American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imagination by Stephanie Hawkins, reviewed by Sigrid Anderson Cordell

Playing Smart: New York Women and Modern Magazine Culture, by Catherine Keyser, reviewed by Adam McKible

Tabloid, Inc.: Crimes, Newspapers, Narratives, by V. Penelope Pelizzon and Nancy M. West, reviewed by Marguerite Helmers

“Collecting Stamps Would Have Been More Fun”: Canadian Publishing and the Correspondence of Sinclair Ross, 1933–1986, selected and with an Introduction by Jordan Stouck and annotated by David Stouck, reviewed by Christopher Doody

Volume 22, Number 1, 2012 Expand | Collapse

“Making the Magazine”: Visuality, Managerial Capitalism, and the Mass Production of Periodicals, 1865-1890, Vanessa Meikle Schulman

Youth Periodicals, Patriotism, and the Textual Mechanics of Civic Mobilization, Philip Keirle

The Young Woman’s Journal: Gender and Generations in a Mormon Women’s Magazine, Lisa Olsen Tait

“Yours in the Cause”: Readers, Correspondents, and the Editorial Politics of Carlos Montezuma’s Wassaja, Rochelle Raineri Zuck

From the Periodical Archives

Joseph Dennie, the Value of the Editor, and the Creation of the Port Folio, Tim Lanzendörfer

Book Reviews

Modernism in the Magazines: An Introduction by Robert Scholes and Clifford Wulfman, reviewed by Adam McKible

The Pleasures of Contamination: Evidence, Text, and Voice in Textual Studies by David Greetham, reviewed by Michael Epp

Art for the Middle Classes: America’s Illustrated Magazines of the 1840s by Cynthia Patterson, reviewed by Judith Scholes

The Improbable First Century of Cosmopolitan Magazine by James Landers, reviewed by Martin Green

Volume 21, Number 2, 2011 Expand | Collapse

“Americans as They Really Are”: The Colored American and the Illustration of Natational Identity, Benjamin Fagan

“The Best Side of a Case of Crime”: George Lippard, Walt Whitman, and Antebellum Police Reports, Carl Ostrowski

The Illustrated American and the Lakota Ghost Dance, Karen A. Bearor

The Missing Signifier: Re-presenting Radio Broadcasting in New Yorker Cartoons, 1925-45, Randall Patnode

From the Periodical Archives, Julian Hawthorne’s “Between Two Fires” and the New York Herald; or, How to Fix a Novel-Writing Contest, Gary Scharnhorst

Book Reviews

The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in Antebellum America (review), Phillip Howerton

The Woman’s Page: Journalism and Rhetoric in Early Canada (review), Jordan Stouck

Editing Modernity: Women and Little-Magazine Cultures in Canada, 1916-1956 (review), Michael Epp

The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, Volume 1: Britain and Ireland, 1880-1955 (review), Greg Barnhisel

Volume 21, Number 1, 2011 Expand | Collapse

“Their faces were like so many of the same sort at home”: American Responses to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, Nikhil Bilwakesh

“At least half the pages will consist of pictures”: New Masses and Politicized Visual Art, Helen Langa

New York in 1819: Defining a Local Public in the “Croaker” Poems of Joseph Rodman Drake and Fitz-Greene Halleck, Joseph J. Letter

Boys Write Back: Self-Education and Periodical Authorship in Late-Nineteenth-Century Story Papers, Sara Lindey

Book Reviews

Re-Covering Modernism: Pulps, Paperbacks, and the Prejudice of Form (review), Adam McKible

Playboy and the Making of the Good Life in Modern America (review), Erin Lee Mock

Jennie Carter: A Black Journalist of the Early West (review), Jennifer Burek Pierce

Volume 20, No. 2 (Autumn 2010) Expand | Collapse

Introduction: American Periodicals and Visual Culture, Janice Simon, pp. 117-119

Americanizing French Fashion Plates: Godey’s and Peterson’s Cultural and Socio-Economic Translation of Les Modes Parisiennes, Karin J. Bohleke, pp. 120-155

The Graphic Art of Thomas Nast: Politics and Propriety in Postbellum Publishing, Baird Jarman, pp. 156-189

The Hideous Obscure of Henry James, Jean Lee Cole, pp. 190-215

Looking in: Albert A. Smith’s Use of Repoussoir in Cover Illustrations for the Crisis and Opportunity, Rhonda L. Reymond, pp. 216-240

The Functionalist’s Agenda: George Howe, the T-Square Club Journal, and the Dissemination of Architectural Modernism, David Brody, pp. 241-268

Art in Life: Fashioning Political Ideology Through Visual Culture in Mid-Century America, Isadora A. Helfgott, pp. 269-294

Volume 20, No. 1 (Spring 2010) Expand | Collapse

Romances of Real Life; or, the Nineteenth-Century American Business Magazine, Elizabeth Hewitt, pp. 1-22

Davis, Inc.: The Business of Asylum Reform in the Periodical Press, David Dowling, pp. 23-45

“On Flow’ry Beds of Ease”: Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Cultivation of Dialect Poetry in the Century, Nadia Nurhussein, pp. 46-67

Determining How Readers Responded to Cather’s Fiction: The Cultural Work of The Professor’s House in Collier’s Weekly, Charles Johanningsmeier, pp. 68-96

From the Periodical Archives: Fanny Fern and the New-York Ledger, Fanny Fern, pp. 97-109

Book Reviews

Bad Girls Go Everywhere: The Life of Helen Gurley Brown (review), Donna Harrington-Lueker, pp. 110-112

Gertrude Stein and the Making of an American Celebrity (review), Janet G. Casey, pp. 112-114

Volume 19, No. 2 (Autumn 2009) Expand | Collapse

Black and White Print: Cross-Racial Strategies of Class Solidarity in Mechanics’ Free Press andFreedom’s Journal, Timothy Helwig, pp. 117-135

“Illustration of a Picture”: Nineteenth-Century Writers and the Philadelphia Pictorials, Cynthia Patterson, pp. 136-164

Shaping the Life of the New Woman: The Crusading Years of the Delineator, Sidney R. Bland, pp. 165-188

The Light That Failed: The History of an Unknown Magazine that Published the Work of a Galaxy of Emerging Stars, Richard Samuel West, pp. 189-212

From the Periodical Archives: Susan Warner’s “How May an American Woman Best Show Her Patriotism?”, Sharon Estes, pp. 213-218

How May an American Woman Best Show Her Patriotism?: A Prize Essay, which received the Premium of Fifty Dollars, Elizabeth Witherell, pp. 219-232

Research Society for American Periodicals Panels at Recent and Upcoming Meetings, pp. 233-235

Book Reviews

Love and Marriage in Early African America (review), Jewell Parker Rhodes, pp. 236-238

A History of the Book in America: The Industrial Book 1840–1880 (review), Steven Fink, pp. 238-241

Popular Print and Popular Medicine: Almanacs and Health Advice in Early America (review), Stephen Rachman, pp. 241-243

Volume 19, No. 1 (Spring 2009) Expand | Collapse

Special Issue: Immigrant Periodicals

From the Editors’ Chair, Steve Fink, Jared Gardner, Susan Williams, pp. 1-3

Ireland and the Birth of the Irish-American Press, 1842–61, Cian McMahon, pp. 5-20

The Politics of Humor: Max Cohnheim’s Columbia (1863–1873), A German Newspaper in the Nation’s Capital, Vanessa Steinroetter, pp. 21-48

Between the Local and the Global: Characteristics of the Chinese-Language Press in America, Xiao-huang Yin, pp. 49-65

Transforming an Ethnic Readership Through “Word and Image”: William Randolph Hearst’sDeutsches Journal and New York’s German-Language Press, 1895–1918, Peter Conolly-Smith, pp. 66-84

From the Periodical Archives: The Entertaining Companion: Philadelphisches Magazin, The First German-American Literary Journal, Rebekah Starnes, pp. 85-89

Book Reviews

Kate Field: The Many Lives of a Nineteenth-Century American Journalist (review) Sharon Harris, pp. 98-99

Freedom’s Journal: The First African-American Newspaper (review), Tiffani Clyburn, pp. 100-102

Jackie Ormes: The First African American Woman Cartoonist (review) Edward Brunner, pp. 102-104

Daughter of the Revolution: The Major Nonfiction Works of Pauline Hopkins (review) Daphne Brooks, pp. 105-109

The Business of Letters: Authorial Economies in Antebellum America (review), Elizabeth Hewitt, pp. 110-112

Volume 18, No. 2 (Autumn 2008) Expand | Collapse

Magazines, Presentation Networks, and the Cultivation of Authorship in Post-Revolutionary America, Robb K. Haberman, pp. 141-162

“The Ultraism of the Day “: Greene’s Boston Post, Hawthorne, Fuller, Melville, Stowe, and Literary Journalism in Antebellum America, Robert J. Scholnick, pp. 163-191

The Author Resurrected: The Paris Review‘s Answer to the Age of Criticism, Usha Wilbers, pp. 192-212

Why Zines Matter: Materiality and the Creation of Embodied Community, Alison Piepmeier, pp. 213-238

From the Periodical Archives: Notes, Comments, and Editorial Practices at the Back of the Magazine, pp. 239-253

Editorial Department. Andersonville and Other War-Prisons, pp. 244-246

Notes and Comments: IV. Quotation and Misquotation, William Mathews

Notes and Comments: III. Misquotation Again, Archie Emerson Palmer

Volume 18, No. 1 (Spring 2008) Expand | Collapse

The Periodical as Monitorial and Interactive Space in Judith Sargent Murray’s ‘The Gleaner’ Jennifer Desiderio

Prescription for a Periodical: Medicine, Sex, and Obscenity in the Nineteenth Century, As Told in Dr. Foote’s Health Monthly Janice Wood

Science, Advocacy, and ‘The Sacred and Intimate Things of Life’: Representing Motherhood as a Progressive Era Cause in Women’s Magazines Jennifer Burek-Pierce

Sports Cartoons in Context: TAD Dorgan and Multi-Genre Cartooning in Early Twentieth- Century Newspapers Amy McCrory

From the Field: Historical Periodical Databases Can Shed a New Light on Old Topics Sandra Roff

Book Reviews

Reclaiming Authorship: Literary Women in America 1850-1900, By Susan Williams. Reviewed by Dale Bauer

Printer’s Devil: Mark Twain and the American Publishing Revolution, By Bruce Michelson. Reviewed by Loren Glass

Women in Print: Essays on the Print Culture of American Women from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Ed. James P. Danky, Wayne A. Wiegand. Reviewed by Sara Crosby

The Little Magazine “Others” and the Renovation of Modern American Poetry, By Suzanne W. Churchill. Reviewed by Sean Latham

Volume 17, No. 2 (Autumn 2007) Expand | Collapse

Special Issue: Cartoons and Comics

Guest Editors: Lucy Shelton Caswell and Jared Gardner

From the Editors’ Chair: Periodical Comics Jared Gardner

William Newman (1817-1870): A Victorian Cartoonist in London and New York, Jane E. Brown and Richard Samuel West

Red Funnies: The New York Daily Worker’s “Popular Front” Comics, 1936-1945, Edward Brunner

Ashes in the Gutter: 9/11 and the Serialization of Memory in DC Comics’ Human Target, J. Gavin Paul

Temporality and Seriality in Spiegelman’s In the Shadow of No Towers, Hillary Chute

From the Periodical Archives: Winsor McCay, George Randolph Chester, and the Tale of the Jungle Imps, Jenny E. Robb

Volume 17, No. 1 (Spring 2007) Expand | Collapse

The Politics of Poetry: The Democratic Review and the Gallows Verse of William Wordsworth and John Greenleaf Whittier Paul Christian Jones 1

Dignified Sensationalism: Cosmopolitan, Elizabeth Bisland, and Trips Around the World Karen Roggenkamp 26

Furnace Blasts for the Tuskegee Wizard: Revisiting Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, Booker T. Washington and the Colored American Magazine Alisha R. Knight 41

Edna St. Vincent Millay and the Very Clever Woman in Vanity Fair Catherine Keyser 62

From the Periodical Archives: Joseph Cook’s “Conversational Opinions of the Leaders of Succession” 97

From the Field: Periodical Studies and Access: A Research Society for America Periodicals Forum 114

Book Reviews

Shaking Out the Bindings: Periodical Studies in Recent American Scholarship Ellen Gruber Garvey 126

Narrating The News: New Journalism and Literary Genre in Late Nineteenth-Century American Newspapers and Fiction, By Karen Roggenkamp. Reviewed by Susanna Ashton 130

News of Paris: American Journalists in the City of Light Between the Wars, By Ronald Weber. Reviewed by Craig Monk 132

Volume 16, No. 2 (Autumn 2006) Expand | Collapse

The Road to Perdition: E.D.E.N. Southworth and the Critics Linda Naranjo-Heubl 123

“How Changeable Are the Events of War”: National Reconciliation in the Century Magazine’s “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War” Timothy P. Caron 151

Bringing the “New Woman” to the Mission Site: Luise Manning Hodgkins and the Heathen Woman’s Friend Cheryl M. Cassidy 172

The Crisis Cover Girl: Lena Horne, the NAACP, and Representations of African American Femininity, 1941-1945 Megan E. Williams 200 From the Periodical Archives: “The Scribbler” by Charles Brockden Brown 219

Book Reviews

Never One Nation: Freaks, Savages, and Whiteness in U.S. Popular Culture 1850-1877. By Linda Frost. Reviewed by Jeff Berglund 229

Theodore Dreiser’s Uncollected Magazine Articles, 1897-1902, Ed. by Yoshinobu Hakutani. Reviewed by Elizabeth Hewitt 233

Periodical Literature in Eighteenth-Century America, Edited by Mark L. Kamarath and Sharon M. Harris. Reviewed by Bryan Waterman 235

Volume 16, No. 1 (Spring 2006) Expand | Collapse

From the Editors’ Chairs 1 Politics and Pedagogy in the American Magazine, 1757-58 Rodney Mader 3

“A Lesson From” the Magazines: Sarah Piatt and the Postbellum Periodical Poet Matthew Giordano 23

“The Case Was Very Black against” Her: Pauline Hopkins and the Politics of Racial Ambiguity at the Colored American Magazine Sigrid Anderson Cordell 52

The Popular Front in the American Century: Life Magazine, Margaret Bourke-White, and Consumer Realism, 1936-1941 Chris Vials 74

From the Periodical Archives: “A Ramble Through the Mechanical Department of the ‘Lady’s Book,” By C.T. Hinckley. Godey’s Lady’s Book (1852).

Book Reviews

Faith in Reading: Religious Publishing and the Birth of Mass Media in America, By David Paul Nord. Reviewed by Erin A. Smith 115

Victoria Woodhull’s Sexual Revolution: Political Theater and the Popular Press in Nineteenth-Century America, By Amanda Frisken. Reviewed by Faye Dudden 117

Word, Image, and the New Negro: Representation and Identity in the Harlem Renaissance, By Anne Elizabeth Carroll. Reviewed by Stephanie Brown 119

Volume 15, No. 2 (Autumn 2005) Expand | Collapse

From the Editors’ Chairs 121 Extermination and Democracy: O’Sullivan, the Democratic Review, and Empire, 1837-1840 Robert J. Scholnick 123

The National Archive: Harper’s New Monthly Magazine and the Civic Responsibilities of a Commercial Literary Periodical, 1850-1853 Thomas Lilly 142

Selling College Literacy: The Mass-Market Magazine as Early 20th Century Literacy Sponsor Tom Reynolds 163

When Eustace Tilley Came to Madison Square Garden: Professional Hockey and the Editorial Policy of the New Yorker in the 1920s and 1930s Craig Monk 178

From the Field: The Future of American Periodicals and American Periodicals Research Judith Yaross Lee 196

From the Periodical Archives: Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, “The Rejected Manuscript” (1893) 202

Book Reviews

Ladies’ Pages: African American Women’s Magazines and the Culture That Made Them, By Noliwe M. Rooks. Reviewed by Frances Smith Foster 223

The San Francisco Wasp: An Illustrated History, By Richard Samuel West. Reviewed by Lucy Shelton Caswell 225

The Weekly War: Newsmagazines and Vietnam, By James Landers. Reviewed by John Hellman 228

Volume 15, No. 1 (Spring 2005) Expand | Collapse

Special Issue: Little Magazines and Modernism

Guest Editors: Suzanne W. Churchill and Adam McKible

Little Magazines and Modernism: An Introduction Suzanne W. Churchill and Adam McKible 1

Poetry’s Opening Door: Harriet Monroe and American Modernism John Timberman Newcomb 6

The Lying Game: Others and the Great Spectra Hoax of 1917 Suzanne W. Churchill 23

The Dial, The Little Review, and The Dialogics of Modernism Alam C. Golding 42

“Life is Real and Life is Earnest”: Mike Gold, Claude McKay, and the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven Adam McKible 56

The Cosmopolitan Midland Tom Lutz 74

The Case of Ebony and Topaz: Racial and Sexual Hybridity in Harlem Renaissance Illustrations Caroline Goeser 86

Book Reviews

Social Stories: The Magazine Novel in Nineteenth-Century America. By Patricia Okker. Reviewed by Katherine Henry 112

Ambassadors of Culture: The Transamerican Origins of Latino Writing. By Kirsten Silva Gruesz. Reviewed by Ivonne García 114

Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book. By Gerard Jones. Reviewed by Jared Gardner 119

Volume 14, No. 2 (Autumn, 2004) Expand | Collapse

From the Editors’ Chairs 157

Kate Field and the New York Tribune Gary Scharnhorst 159

“This is YOUR Magazine”: Domesticity, Agrarianism, and The Farmer’s Wife Janet Galligani Casey 179

Surrealism and the Fashion Magazine Hannah Crawforth 212

From the Field: Walt Whitman’s Periodical Poetry Susan Belasco 247

Abstracts from Panels Sponsored by the Research Society for American Periodicals at the American Literature Association Conference, May 2004 260

From the Periodical Archives

Book Reviews

Poets in the Public Sphere: The Emancipatory Project of American Women’s Poetry, 1800-1900, By Paula Bernat Bennett. Reviewed by Gregor Einselein

Perspectives on American Book History: Artifacts and Commentary. Edited by Scott E. Casper, Joanne D. Chaison, and Jeffrey D. Groves. Reviewed by Carl Ostrowski.

Volume 14, No. 1 (Spring 2004) Expand | Collapse

From the Editors’ Chairs 1

An “Inconceivable Pleasure” and the Philadelphia Minerva: Erotic Liberalism, Oriental Tales, and The Female Subject in Periodicals of the Early Republic Mark L. Kamarath 3

Hawthorne’s Politics of Storytelling: Two “Tales of Province House” and the Specter of Anglomania in the Democratic Review Souhi Lee 35

Literary Piracy, Nationalism, and Women Readers in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1850-1855 Jennifer Phegley 63

The Devil, Capitalism, and Frank Norris: Defining the “Reading Field” for Sunday Newspaper Fiction, 1870-1910 Charles Johanningsmeier 91

From the Periodical Archives 113

Review Essay: The Digital Archives Cynthia Patterson 143

Book Reviews

To Live and Die: Collected Stories of the Civil War, 1861-1876, Ed. by Kathleen Diffley, Reviewed by Joseph F. Goeke 151

Beyond the Lines: Pictorial Reporting, Everyday Life, and the Crisis of Gilded Age America, By Joshua Brown, Reviewed by Scott E. Casper 153

Volume 13, 2003 Expand | Collapse

From the Editors’ Chairs

“Sambos” and “Black Cut-throats”: Peter Porcupine on Slavery and Race in the 1790’s / Arthur Scherr

Unbinding ‘The Book’: Bryant’s “The Fountain” in the Democratic Review / Ingrid Satelmajer

Christmas in Our Western Home: The Cultural Work of a Norwegian-american Christmas Annual / Kristin A. Risley

White-collar Excavations: Fortune Magazine and the Invention of the Industrial Folk / James S. Miller

The Prophetic Gaze of Orpheus: Charting New Lands in Small Poetry Journals / David W. Clippinger

Book Reviews

Debating the Issues in Colonial Newspapers: Primary Documents on Events of the Period. By David Copeland Reviewed by Colin T. Ramsey

Communities of Journalism: A History of American Newspapers and Their Readers. By David Paul Nord Reviewed by Bonnie Brennen

“The Only Efficient Instrument”: American Women Writers and the Periodical, 1837-1916. Edited by Aleta Feinsod Cane and Susan Alves Reviewed by Amy Aronson

The Girl on the Magazine Cover: The Origins of Visual Stereotypes in American Mass Media. By Carolyn Kitch Reviewed by Sara Robbins

Bibliography Selected Scholarship, 1999-2003 Kim Martin Long

Volume 12, 2002 Expand | Collapse

Special Issue: Periodical Research in the American Classroom

Guest Editor: Janet Gabler-Hover

Introduction: Janet Gabler-Hover, Guest Editor i

Teaching American Periodicals Patricia Okker 1

A Revolutionary Aim: The Rhetoric of Temperance in the Anglo-African Magazine Shelley Block 9

Using Magazines in Undergraduate Literature Courses Ellery Sedgwick 25 The Evolution of Howells’s Realism: “Suburban Sketches” George Lanum 34 Periodical Research: Open Sesame Janet Gabler-Hover 40

“Vice Breeds Crime”: The “Germs” of Mark Twain’s Puddn’head Wilson Merit Kaschig 49

The Politics of the Picturesque: The Marches Settle Van Rensselaer’s New York City Brandon Rogers, 75

Juxtaposition and Serendipity: Teaching Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century American Literature Susan Belasco 89

“How the great do tumble”: Mark Twain’s Later Articles in the San Francisco Daily Alta California Andrew W. Jewell 96

Reading the 1890s through the Periodical Lens Susan Harris Smith 115

Dominance of the Fittest: The Animal Story in 1890s Cosmopolitan Magazine as Assertion of American Middle-Class Identity at the End of the Nineteenth Century Christine Mahady 127

New-Old Tools: A New Approach for Using Nineteenth-Century African American Periodicals for English Teachers Jocelyn Chadwick 143

Canonization Reconstructed: Inclusion and Exclusion in Nineteenth-Century African-American Periodicals with an Ear to the Music of African Americans Genithia Lilla Hogges 152

“The Mob Before Him”: Teaching Antebellum Literature with Periodicals Robert Scholnick, 163

Civil Disobedience and the Democratic Review Jennifer Powell 172

A Veritable Scholarly Frontier Kathleen Diffley, 179

Dollars and Cents: A Reading Journal Response about “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” American Money, and Literary Magazines of the 1850s Michael Germana 193

“You, who so well know the nature of my soul”: Poe and the Question of Literary Audience” Jeffrey A. Charis-Carlson 198

Book Reviews

Walker, Shaping Our Mothers’ World reviewed by Amy Beth Aronson 209 Greenspan, George Palmer Putnam reviewed by Patricia Okker 212

Coward, The Newspaper Indian. Reviewed by Kenn DeShane 214 Kanellos & Martell, Hispanic Periodicals in the United States reviewed by Kirsten Silva Gruesz 216

Schechter, Ida B. Wells-Barnett and American Reform, 1880-1930 reviewed by Jeffrey R.Williams 219

Rhodes, Mary Ann Shadd Cary reviewed by Robert Nowatzki 222 About Our Contributors 224

Recent Scholarship on American Periodicals A Two-Decade Sampling of Selected Resources for and about Periodical Pedagogy Kim Martin Long, 227

Volume 11, 2001 Expand | Collapse

“Domesticity and Women’s Collective Agency: Contribution and Collaboration in America’s First Successful Women’s Magazine Amy Aronson 1

Harper’s Weekly and the Spectacle of Industrialization Gib Prettyman 24

The Offending Hand of War in Harper’s Weekly Valerie DeBrava 49

The Creation of a Public Persona in the Poetry of Anna Cora Mowatt Kelly S. Taylor 65

“These Days of Double Dealing”: Edgar Allan Poe and the Business of Magazine Publishing Thomas F. Marvin 81

Seventy-five Years of The New Yorker Cartoons: A History Steven H. Gale 95

Book Reviews

Hume, Obituaries in American Culture Cynthia Ryan 131

Turner, When Giants Ruled George A. Thompson 134

Decosta-Willis, The Memphis Diary of Ida B. Wells 135

Morrisson, The Public Face of Modernism Craig Monk. 136

Smith, Hard-Boiled Linda Frost 138

Thom, Inside Ms.; Farrell, Yours in Sisterhood. Janice Hume 141

Review Essay, Jayne E. Marek 144

About Our Contributors 148

Recent Scholarship on American Periodicals, 1998-2001 Kim Martin Long 151

Volume 10, 2000 Expand | Collapse

Elizabeth Barstow Stoddard, the Daily Alta California, and the Tradition of American Humor Susan Belasco 1

Bringing Down Holy Science: The North American Review and Jacksonian Scientific Inquiry James V. Werner 27

A Nineteenth-Century Virginia Journalist: Samuel Gillock and The Valley Star William W.Reynolds 43

A Progressive Klan: What Happens When a News Subject Controls Its Image Don Walden 57

Langston Hughes’ Jesse B. Semple Columns as Literary Journalism Sam G. Riley 63

An Unnoticed Satirical Poem: Reviewing Dickens’s American Notes in a Major American Magazine 79

Book Reviews

Carstarphen and Zavoina, Sexual Rhetoric Kim Martin Long 90 Johnson and Prijatel, Magazine Publishing Sam G. Riley 93

About Our Contributors Tracy Turner 96 Annual Selected Bibliography of Scholarship on American Periodicals, 1997-2000 Kim Martin Long 98

Volume 9, 1999 Expand | Collapse

The “Missing” Version of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Business Man” J. E. Reiny 1

Garrison, Milton, and the Rhetoric of Demonization David Boocker 15

The Slave’s Friend: An Abolitionist Magazine for Children Christopher D. Geist 27

George Eliot, Realism, and the American Press V. Griffith 36

“Applying the Standards of Intrinsic Excellence”: Nationalism and Arnoldian Cultural Valuation in The Century Magazine J. Arthur Bond 55

From Ghosting to Free-Lancing: Mary Margaret McBride Covers Royalty and Radio Rex for the Saturday Evening Post, Woman’s Home Companion, and Cosmopolitan (1925-1935) Beverly G. Merrick 74

About Our Contributors Tracy Turner 97

American Periodicals: A Selected Checklist of Scholarship and Criticism, 1996-1999 Kim Martin Long 98

Volume 8, 1998 Expand | Collapse

Transitional Values in American Periodicals: Sea Stories and National Identity in the Philadelphia Monthly Magazine (1827), the Bower of Taste (1828), and New England Magazine (1832) / William E. Lenze, 1

A Firestorm of Criticism: Metcalfe and the Theatrical Syndicate, 1904-1905 / Patricia Marks, 15

Mrs. Hale on Mrs. Stowe and Slavery / Beverly Peterson, 30

Mrs. Muzzy–Who Was She? In Search of a Nineteenth-Century Woman Editor / Sandra Roff and Douglas Duchin, 45

A Front Seat to Lizzie Borden: Julian Ralph, Literary Journalism, and the Construction of Criminal Fact / Karen S. H. Roggenkamp, 60

Vice Versa:America’s First Lesbian Magazine / Rodger Streitmatter, 78

Book Reviews

Heller and Fili, Cover Story: The Art of American Magazine Covers 1900-1950. Janice Simon, 96

Hays, A Race at Bay: New York Times Editorials on the “Indian Problem,” 1860-1900. Markku Henriksson, 98

Ohmann, Selling Culture: Magazines, Markets, and Class at the Turn of the Century and Making and Selling Culture Sharon Hamilton, 99

Hutton and Strauss Reed, Outsiders in 19th Century Press History: Multicultural Perspectives. Kenneth R. DeShane, 103

Johnston, Real Fantasies: Edward Steichen’s Advertising Photography. Janice Simon, 105

Marek, Women Editing Modernism: “Little” Magazines and Literary History. Joseph W. Slade, 108

About Our Contributors. Stacy Erickson, 110

American Periodicals: A Selected Checklist of Scholarship and Criticism, 1995-1998. by Sam Riley, p. 112

Cumulative Index, Volume 1-7 (1991-1997), Author, Subject, and Title Index. by Stacy Erickson, 121

Volume 7, 1997 Expand | Collapse

Colonizing the Coffee Table– National Geographic Magazine and Erasure of Difference in the Representation of Women Jessamyn Neuhaus 1

Voice As a Determinant of Literary Journalism: Use of Fictitious Literary Characters by American Newspaper Columnists Sam G. Riley 27

The Magazine As Mentor: A Turn-of-the-Century Handwritten Magazine by St. Louis Women Authors Lee Jolliffe & Virginia Whitehouse 48

What’s Old Is New: The Need for Historical Inspiration in Contemporary Magazine Design Carol E. Holstead 73


Pfaelzer, Parlor Radical: Rebecca Harding Davis and the Origins of American Social Realism Stacy Erickson

About Our Contributors Stacy Erickson 90 American Periodicals: A Selected Checklist of Scholarship and Criticism, 1994-1997 Sam G. Riley 92

Volume 6, 1996 Expand | Collapse

Who Brings Home the Bacon? Shakespeare and Turn-of-the-Century American Authorship Susanna Ashton 1

Little Magazines and the Emergence of Modernism in the Fin de Siecle Melinda Knight 29

Cities of Paradise, Comrade Kingdoms, and the Worlds of Light: Some Versions of the Socialist Utopia in The Comrade (1901-1905) Kenneth Payne 46

Against Novels: Fanny Fem’s Newspaper Fictions and the Reform of Print Culture Claire C. Pettengill 61 The Editor’s Desk at Sartain’s Magazine: 1849-1851 Heidi M. Schultz 92

Some Perilous Stuff: What the Religious Reviewers Really Said about The Scarlet Letter Lisa Herb Smith 135

Book Reviews

Mitchell, The New Girl: Girls’ Culture in England, 1880-1915; Tinkler, Constructing Girlhood: Popular Magazines for Girls Growing Up in England, 1920-1950, Amy Beth Aronson 144

Abrahamson, Magazine-Made America: The Cultural Transformation of the Postwar Periodical Joseph P. Berut 147

Streitmatter, Unspeakable: The Rise of the Gay and Lesbian Press in America Edra Charlotte Bogle 149

Abrahamson, Editor, The American Magazine: Research Perspectives and Prospects Katherine Ann Bradshaw 152

McCloud, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art Jim Healey 155

Kunkel, Genius in Disguise: Harold Ross of The New Yorker Lorenz, The Art of The New Yorker 1925-1995 Judith Yaross Lee 157

Bergmann, God in the Street: New York from the Penny Press to Melville Kim Martin Long 160

About Our Contributors Stacy Erickson 163

American Periodicals: A Selected Checklist of Scholarship and Criticism, 1993-1996 Sam Riley 166

Volume 5, 1995 Expand | Collapse

Editorial Politics in Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno / Sheila Post-Lauria 1

Expanding the Scope of Periodical History for Literary Studies: Irving Bacheller and His Newspaper Fiction Syndicate / Charles Johanningsmeier 14

“Nature Was Her Lady’s Book”: Ladies’ Magazines, American Indians, and Gender, 1820-1859 / Linda M. Clemmons 40

Virtuous and Vicious: The Dual Portrayal of Women in Colonial Newspapers / David A. Copeland 59

From Educated Citizen to Educated Consumer: The Good Citizenship and Pro-Advertising Campaigns in The Woman’s Home Companion, 1920-1938 / Mary Ellen Zuckerman 86

The North American Review, 1815-1835: The Invention of the American Past / Etsuko Taketani 111

Book Reviews

Jennings, Labor Relations at the New York Daily News: Peripheral Bargaining and the 1990 Strike Randal A. Beam 128

Endres, Trade, Industrial, and Professional Periodicals of the United States Patrick J. Clinton 131

Calvert and Forman,Cartooning Texas: One Hundred Years of Cartoon Art in the Lone Star State Gilbert M. Cuthbertson 134

Streitmatter, Raising Her Voice: African-American Women Journalists Who Changed History Eddith A. Dashiell 136

Damon-Moore, Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies’ Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880-1920 Frances M. Malpezzi 138

Wachsberger, Voices from the Underground Vol. 1 Insider Histories of the Vietnam Era Underground Press, Vol. 2-A Directory of Resources and Sources of the Vietnam Era Underground Press Nancy L. Roberts 140

Sedgwick, A History of the Atlantic Monthly 1857-1909: Yankee Humanism at High Tide and Ebb Robert J. Scholnick 142

Harris, Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History, 1993 Annual Richard Streckfuss 144

About Our Contributors Kenneth Robert Price 147

A Selected List of Current Scholarship on American Periodicals Sam G. Riley 149

Volume 4, 1994 Expand | Collapse

A New Englander’s Obituary Eulogy of Poe / Burton R. Pollin 1

Thoreau’s Reputation in the Major Magazines, 1862-1900: A Summary and Index / Daniel A. Wells 12

Science and the Reception of Poetry in Postbellum American Journals / Allene Cooper 24

Idella Pumell’s PALMS and Godfather Witter Bynne / Vilma Potter 47

All the News That Fits in Eight Pages: The Palestine Daily Herald as an Artifact of a Community’s Culture / Don Walden 65

Mixed Messages: Representations of Consumption and Anti-Consumption in The New Yorker Magazine: 1945-1952 / Mary F. Corey 78

From Gutenberg to Gigabytes: The Electronic Periodical Comes of Age / Karen Rupp-Serrano 96

Book Reviews

Lancaster, Gentleman of the Press: The Life and Good Times of an Early Reporter,Julian Ralph of the Sun Ed Adams 105

Hutton, The Early Black Press in America, 1827 to 1860. Potter, Afro-American Publications and Editors, 1827-1946 Harry Amana 106

Cross, Editor, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (1993). Inaugural issue Arvis Coleman 113

Simonds and Rothman, Centuries of Solace: Expressions of Maternal Grief in Popular Literature Suzy Beemer 114

Clurman, To the End of Time: The Seduction and Conquest of a Media Empire Joseph P. Bernt 116

McCracken, Decoding Women’s Magazines: From Mademoiselle to Ms. Frances M. Malpezzi 118

Oriard, Reading Football: How the Popular Press Created an American Spectacle Benjamin G. Rader 121

Zboray, A Fictive People: Antebellum Economic Development and the American Reading Public Robert J. Scholnick 124

Peterson, Alfred Stieglitz’s Camera Notes Janice Simon 127

Honey, Breaking the Ties That Bind: Popular Stories of the New Woman, 1915-1930 Wendy Simonds 130

Jones, Heretics and Hellraisers: Women Contributors to The Masses, 1911-1917 Susan Belasco Smith 132

About Our Contributors 134

A Selected List of Current Scholarship on American Periodicals Sam G. Riley 138

Volume 3, 1993 Expand | Collapse

Transatlantic Influences on the Reporting of Crime: England vs. America vs. Canada / Judith Knelman 1

“Consistent With Honor”: The Anglo-American Press War over San Juan Island, 1859 / Richard D. Fulton 11

Sarah Josepha Hale, Lydia Sigourney, and the Poetic Tradition in Two Nineteenth-Century Women’s Magazines / Patricia Okker 32

Joaquin Miller’s Charcoal Sketches: Women / Margaret Guilford-Kardell 43

The Nineteenth-Century Periodical Novel Continued: Bonfire of the Vanities in Rolling Stone / Michael Lund 51

Ernest Hemingway and Life: Consuming Revolutions / Daniel Morris 62

Democrats Abroad: Continental Literature and the American Bard in the United States Magazine and Democratic Review / Joshua David Scholnick 75

Newspapers and Printing Presses in Early Illinois / Terence A. Tanner 100

Book Reviews

Lund, America’s Continuing Story: An Introduction to Serial Fiction, 1850-1900 / Scott Peeples, 114

Baldasty, The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century / Cheryl D.Bohde, 115

Clifford, Crusader for Freedom: A Life of Lydia Maria Child / Amy Beth Winn, 117

Riley, DLB, Vols. 73, 79, 91 / Andrew Jay Hoffman, 120

Dawson, Lafcadio Hearn and the Vision of Japan / Joseph W. Slade, 123

Stanchak, Leslie’s Illustrated Civil War / Carlebach, The Origins of Photojournalism in America Rose, Victorian America and the Civil War / Judith Yaross Lee, 124

Magazine Week Profit Profiles, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 / Joseph P. Bernt 128

Douglas, The Smart Magazines: 50 Years of Literary Revelry and High Jinks at Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Life, Esquire, and The Smart Set / David E. E. Sloane 130

Kopley, Edgar Allan Poe and The Philadelphia Saturday News Books Received 133

Periodical Miscellany James T. F. Tanner 136 Founding Members, Research Society for American Periodicals 139

About Our Contributors 140

A Selected List of Current Scholarship on American Periodicals Sam G. Riley 143

Volume 2, 1992 Expand | Collapse

Willis Gaylord Clark: An Autobiographical Sketch / Joel Myerson 1

A Posthumous Assessment: The 1849-1850 Periodical Press Response to Edgar Allan Poe / Burton R. Pollin 6

Poe’s “Autobiography”: A New Exchange of Reviews Kent P. Ljungquist / 51

Louisa May Alcott and the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette / Madeleine B. Stern 64 (Illustration after page 78)

Horace Scudder and Sarah Orne Jewett: Market Forces in Publishing in the 1890s / Ellery Sedgwick 79

The Making and Breaking of Chicago’s America / Guy Szuberla 100; (Illustrations after page 110)

The Image of Blacks within Mormornism as Presented in the Church News (1978-1988) Newell G. Bringhurst 113

Book Reviews

Alcott, Freaks of Genius: Unknown Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott. Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV, 124

Gibson, Issues in Abstract Expressionism: The Artist-Run Periodicals Janice Simon, 126

Gifford, American Comic Strip Collections, 1884-1939: The Evolutionary Era Joseph Witek, 130

Gilmore, Reading Becomes a Necessity of Life: Material Culture and Life in Rural New England, 1780-1835. David A. Rawson, 132

Greenspan, Walt Whitman and the American Reader. Robert J. Scholnick, 134

Janssen, The Kenyon Review 1939-1970: A Critical History. Mary Ellen Zuckerman, 136

Nourie and Nourie, American Mass-Market Magazines. Joseph P. Bernt, 139

Parker, Alias Bill Arp: Charles Henry Smith and the South’s “Goodly Heritage”. David E. E. Sloane

Reynolds and Smith, eds., “These Sad But Glorious Days”: Dispatches from Europe, 1846-1850. Cheryl D. Bohde, 143

Vanden Heuvel, Untapped Sources: America’s Newspaper Archives and Histories. E. Claire Jerry

Witek, Comic Books as History: The Narrative Art of Jack Jackson, Art Spiegelman, and Harvey Pekar. Jim Baird, 148

Wolf, The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women. Kim Martin Long, 151
Periodical Miscellany. James T. F. Tanner, 154

Founding Members, Research Society for American Periodicals, 159

About Our Contributors, 160

A Selected List of Current Scholarship on American Periodicals. Sam G. Riley, 163

Volume 1, 1991 Expand | Collapse

From the Editor. James T. F. Tanner iii A New Generation of Reference Books on Newspapers and Periodicals: Efforts of the 1980s and ’90s / Sam G. Riley 1

Imaging a New Heaven on a New Earth: The Crayon and 19th-Century American Periodical Covers / Janice Simon 11 (Illustrations after page 12)

New Old Additions to the American Canon / Lawrence L. Berkove 25

“Magazines As a Powerful Element of Civilization”: An Exploration of the Ideology of Literary Magazines, 1830-1850 / Cheryl D. Bohde 34

Scribner’s Monthly and the “Pictorial Representation of Life and Truth” in Post-Civil War America / Robert J. Scholnick 46 (Illustrations after page 60)

Walt Whitman, Free Love, and The Social Revolutionist / Kenneth M. Price 70

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and The Rochester (NY) Magazine Five O’Clock / Rodger L. Tarr 83

“Sal” Bernhardt and the Men about Town: Theatre Resources in Chic / Patricia Marks 86

Book Reviews

Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America Ezra Greenspan 105

Dicken-Garcia, Journalistic Standards in Nineteenth-Century America Cheryl D. Bohde 107

Berkove, The Fighting Horse of the Stanislaus: Stories and Essays by Dan De Quille Wesley A. Brifion 108

Hendrick, Ham Jones, Ante-Bellum Southern Humorist: An AnthologySam G. Riley 110

Oehlschlaeger, Old Southwest Humor from the St. Louis Reveille, 1844-1850 Pascal Covici, Jr. 112

Marks P, Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers: The New Woman in the Popular Press Patricia Okker 114

White, Elbert Hubbard’s The Philistine, A Periodical of Protest (1895-1915): A Major American “Little Magazine” T.S. McMillin 116 Periodical Miscellany 118

About Our Contributors 130

A Selected List of Current Scholarship on American Periodicals by James T. F. Tanner 132
